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Nepravidelné sloveso shine


svietiť, žiariť



Minulý čas

(past simple)

Minulé príčastie

(Past Participle)


Nepravidelné sloveso shine

Vety so shine

Slnko tu v zime nikdy nesvieti.

2. shone; shined minulý čas jednoduchý

The weather was wonderful yesterday. The sun shone; shined all day.


Včera bolo krásne počasie. Slnko svietilo celý deň.

3. shone; shined – minulé príčastie

The sun has shone each day since we arrived.


Slnko svietilo každý deň od chvíle, keď sme prišli.

The sun´s shining. Let´s go for a walk.


Slnko svieti. Poďme sa prejsť.

This torch is shining in my eyes. Can you please switch it off?


Tá baterka mi svieti do očí. Môžeš ju prosím vypnúť?

Definícia slovesa shine



shone, shin·ing.

  • (of the sun or another source of light) give out a bright light.
  • „the sun shone through the window“



svietiť, žiariť.

  • (zo slnka alebo iného zdroja svetla) vydávajú jasné svetlo.
  • „slnko žiarilo cez okno“

Synonymá shine (vo význame „give off or reflect light“)

beam blink burn
flash flicker glare
glitter glow sparkle

Synonymá shine (vo význame „polish, burnish“)

rub brush glance

Antonymá shine (vo význame „give off or reflect light“)

darken dull

Antonymá shine (vo význame „polish, burnish“)


Časovanie shine

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I shine

you shine

he/she/it shines

we shine

they shine

you shine

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I shone; shined

you shone; shined

he/she/it shone; shined

we shone; shined

they shone; shined

you shone; shined

Future Tense
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will shine

you will shine

he/she/it will shine

we will shine

they will shine

you will shine


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have shone; shined

you have shone; shined

he/she/it has shone; shined

we have shone; shined

they have shone; shined

you have shone; shined

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had shone; shined

you had shone; shined

he/she/it had shone; shined

we had shone; shined

they had shone; shined

you had shone; shined

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have shone; shined

you will have shone; shined

he/she/it will have shone; shined

we will have shone; shined

they will have shone; shined

you will have shone; shined


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am shining

you are shining

he/she/it is shining

we are shining

they are shining

you are shining

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was shining

you were shining

he/she/it was shining

we were shining

they were shining

you were shining

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be shining

you will be shining

he/she/it will be shining

we will be shining

they will be shining

you will be shining


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect continuous
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been shining

you have been shining

he/she/it has been shining

we have been shining

they have been shining

you have been shining

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been shining

you had been shining

he/she/it had been shining

we had been shining

they had been shining

you had been shining

Future perfect continuous
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been shining

you will have been shining

he/she/it will have been shining

we will have been shining

they will have been shining

you will have been shining

Conditional present

I would shine

you would shine

he/she/it would shine

we would shine

they would shine

you would shine

Conditional perfect

I would have shone; shined

you would have shone; shined

he/she/it would have shone; shined

we would have shone; shined

they would have shone; shined

you would have shone; shined

Conditional present progressive

I would be shining

you would be shining

he/she/it would be shining

we would be shining

they would be shining

you would be shining

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been shining

you would have been shining

he/she/it would have been shining

we would have been shining

they would have been shining

you would have been shining


you shine

we Let’s shine

you shine


you don’t shine

we don’t shine

you don’t shine

Máš prejdené toto sloveso?
 Pozri si ďalšie nepravidelné slovesá.