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Nepravidelné sloveso hold


držať, vydržať, podržať



Minulý čas

(past simple)

Minulé príčastie

(Past Participle)


Nepravidelné sloveso hold

Vety s hold

When you hold me in your arms, I feel so happy.


Keď ma držíš vo svojom náručí, cítim sa tak šťastná.

Podržíš mi prosím tašku?

Mal/a som plné ruky, tak mi pán podržal dvere.

Dievčatko držalo bábiku pevne, aby jej znova nespadla.

3. held – minulé príčastie

Nikdy som nedržal/a dieťa v náručí.

The police do not know yet where the kidnappers are holding girls who went missing last weekend.


Polícia ešte stále nevie, kde držia únoscovia dievčatá, ktoré sú nezvestné od minulého víkendu.

Definícia slovesa hold



(used with object), held, hold·ing.

  • to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp:
  • She held the purse in her right hand.
  • He held the child’s hand in his.



(používané s predmetom), držať.

  • mať alebo udržať v ruke; mať v ruke; uchopiť:
  • Držala kabelku v pravej ruke.
  • Držal dieťa za ruku.

Synonymá hold (vo význame „have in one´s hands, possession; grasp“)

arrest carry keep
enjoy have imprison

Synonymá hold (vo význame „believe“)

buy maintain assume

Synonymá hold (vo význame „continue, endure“)

last operate remain
stay apply exist

Synonymá hold (vo význame „support“)

bear stay take

Synonymá hold (vo význame „have a capacity for“)

carry include take

Synonymá hold (vo význame „conduct meeting, function“)

call celebrate convene
have run assemble

Antonymá hold (vo význame „have in one´s hands, possession; grasp“)

fail free give

Antonymá hold (vo význame „believe“)

disbelieve disregard forget

Antonymá hold (vo význame „continue, endure“)

go leave give up

Antonymá hold (vo význame „support“)

avoid dodge fail

Antonymá hold (vo význame „have a capacity for“)

lose reject exclude

Antonymá hold (vo význame „conduct meeting, function“)

cancel ignore stop

Časovanie hold

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I hold

you hold

he/she/it holds

we hold

they hold

you hold

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I held

you held

he/she/it held

we held

they held

you held

Future Tense
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will hold

you will hold

he/she/it will hold

we will hold

they will hold

you will hold


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have held

you have held

he/she/it has held

we have held

they have held

you have held

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had held

you had held

he/she/it had held

we had held

they had held

you had held

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have held

you will have held

he/she/it will have held

we will have held

they will have held

you will have held


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am holding

you are holding

he/she/it is holding

we are holding

they are holding

you are holding

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was holding

you were holding

he/she/it was holding

we were holding

they were holding

you were holding

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be holding

you will be holding

he/she/it will be holding

we will be holding

they will be holding

you will be holding


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect continuous
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been holding

you have been holding

he/she/it has been holding

we have been holding

they have been holding

you have been holding

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been holding

you had been holding

he/she/it had been holding

we had been holding

they had been holding

you had been holding

Future perfect continuous
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been holding

you will have been holding

he/she/it will have been holding

we will have been holding

they will have been holding

you will have been holding

Conditional present

I would hold

you would hold

he/she/it would hold

we would hold

they would hold

you would hold

Conditional perfect

I would have held

you would have held

he/she/it would have held

we would have held

they would have held

you would have held

Conditional present progressive

I would be holding

you would be holding

he/she/it would be holding

we would be holding

they would be holding

you would be holding

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been holding

you would have been holding

he/she/it would have been holding

we would have been holding

they would have been holding

you would have been holding


you hold

we Let’s hold

you hold


you don’t hold

we don’t hold

you don’t hold

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